Hello there! This is my first post here on this WordPress blog that I designed. I currently have two different accreditations: a B.A. in Philosophy from the University of California – Irvine, and Python, MERN, and Java full-stack certificates from Coding Dojo. I thought it would be a fun idea to fuse my two areas of expertise together in a single blog. It might come out a bit messy, but I really think it will be a lot of fun!
I am a father of two wonderful albeit mischievous sons, and dabble a bit with the piano, hiking, and learning languages. In regard to philosophy, I am the most interested in ethics, philosophy of language, and philosophy of humor. Yes, these are all really studies that professors are paid to research and expound upon, although I am the first to admit the irony of how dry the literature on the philosophy of humor is. Addressing coding, I prioritize in making personal projects with the MERN stack, but will dabble in other technologies like Angular, WordPress, Python, Java, and React Native. Feel free to check out my Github to see what I am up to!
I think that’s more or less everything I wanted to introduce myself. My goal is to make alternating posts on philosophy topics that would be a mixture between summaries, analyses, and my own personal ideas, and articles on coding tips, tutorials, and some of my favorite frameworks and libraries. I hope to see and hear from all of you, and I hope you all keep in mind…
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
~ Socrates